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June 20, 2020
In recent times, sexual abuse victims have found strength to come out and purse justice against their abusers. Social media engagements being one of the major influences behind this recent surge in sexual abuse reports. Recently, ethical organizations like the Catholic Church and the Boys scout of America have been called out for sexual abuse. A horde of lawsuits has been filed against both associations.
Perhaps more gory than the news of happenings of sexual abuse within the boys scouts is the revelation that it has happened in thousands. For years, journalists have been investigating the existence of the confidential files on these sexual abusers. Experts have also advised the scout officials to study and analyze the files to develop a robust foolproof policy. Top brass at the BSA failed to heed the advice.
Recent lawsuits filed against the BSA also revealed that the BSA has had a long history of sexual abuse spanning decades. A screening system was developed in the 1920s to screen out unqualified individuals. But, the system may have been compromised at some points in the century long history of the organization. Details of this history are contained in what we have now come to know as the Perversion Files. It was known within the BSA as the Ineligible Volunteer files.
Our BSA Sexual Abuse attorneys at Oshan and Associates have been working with victims to help them recover compensation. If you or your loved one has been a victim of BSA Sexual Abuse, our attorneys can help you too. This is regardless of whether your alleged abuser is listed in the perversion files.
The BSA has anchored its marketing on its ethical standing and safety of its programs for years. This made it attractive to millions of young American boys. This facts makes it more disturbing to find out that they have concealed information of various sexual abuse allegations away from parents and scouts.
This Lax handling of these sexual abuse reports by the Boys Scout of America forms the background to the recent lawsuit frenzy. The secrecy of these files made volunteering with the scouts attractive to pedophiles, and child sex offenders. Instances of repeat offenders or predators abound in the perversion files. This is due to the failure of the scout to screen out and report the alleged abusers.
The Perversion files were the ultimate proof of the laxity of the top brass of BSA and their complicitness. But, the fault appears to be deep rooted finding support in their internal policies. This is because despite the complacency of the executives there is no evidence that they ran afoul of policy nor violated any law. This is why the bulk of cases filed against the association is based on a civil claim of negligence.
Content of the Perversion Files
The perversion files contain the names of accused sexual abusers who has served as BSA volunteers and staff. The Boys Scout of America prepared and kept these files over decades of its existence. Thus all information contained in the files are that of the BSA.
The number of named predators in the general ineligible volunteer files is yet to be ascertained. Currently, there are about 5,000 listed abusers on the popular database but lawyers and rights advocates believe there’s more. Dr., Warren, an expert witness on the case, for instance believes that the BSA has files on nearly 8000 abusers.
Another revelation from the content of the perversion files is that the scouting executives secretly allowed predators back to work. This they did without regard to the sexual molestation allegations against these predators. The files from 1970-1991 particularly revealed that officials sought to hide sexual abuse reports against volunteers and employees.
The files also reveal a pattern of molestation developed over the years. Journalists have termed this as a “grooming behavior”. Thus, many of the molestation occurred over extended period with a gradual seduction of the victim by the predator. Gradual seduction was achieved by building a trust relationship with these kids who must have seen the scout leader as a mentor or role model.
Aside from this, the files also revealed that they may have unknowing let convicted child sex offenders join their ranks. This happened due to failure to put in place proper background checks.
The BSA fought to keep it Secret
The BSA has been employing hardball tactics since the first reported case. They refuted claims of the existence of a series of confidential files detailing the abuse and persons implicated. In fact, reports suggest they played legal hardball against accusers in molestation cases. This is aside from the fact that they tried all they could to ensure that the confidential files do not become public knowledge.
In their rather mixed response to the buzz generated on the perversion files, the scouts claimed they had acted appropriately. In the statement released by their executive they denied ever knowingly allowing a sexual predator to act with the youth. They stated further that they mandate leaders, volunteers and staff members across the country to report sexual abuse allegations to law enforcement.
Later revelations prove the falsity of this statement. Congress probe into the matter and the correspondences attest to this fact. In fact, their strong resistance to the release of the said perversion files also casts doubt on the lack of knowledge they assert.
Legal Tussle for Public Release of the Perversion Files
Ever since the sexual abuse lawsuits have started generating media buzz, the BSA has been arguing firmly against the release of those files through their attorneys. These attorneys used a lot of strong arm tactics to block victims claim for public release.
It was not until the groundbreaking case of Kerry Lewis v. Boys Scout of America that the Oregon Supreme court made an order for the release of the files. This was in response to various petitions for media and rights organizations. But, the files were ordered to be released subject to some conditions. The condition was that the names of persons identified as reporters should be redacted. The exception is if the person was a professional scouter.
Aside from this conditional release, only about 1200 of the files were released out of a suspected 5000. Some news media outlets like the Times have gone on to get extra information for their database extending from 1947 to 2005. We must say however that the information is still incomplete as victim advocates and lawyers strongly believe that the scouts may know the name of more accused abusers.
Victims can now access the perversion files through the various databases. Technological solutions like an Interactive Map can assist victims/users in area searches. Our Boys Scout Lawsuit Attorneys at Oshan and associates also conduct investigations on clients' cases.
Victims’ Stories and Names of some Implicated Predators
Since the release of the perversion files, victims have taken to their BSA sexual abuse attorneys. This they did for legal advice and to file for compensation against the BSA. It generated so much media buzz that stories of those victims who decided to file lawsuits are now news websites.
Such was the case of Solomon Joshua whose story was published by the Los Angeles Times. His alleged abuser, Steve Kabeary, was later charged and sentenced to eight years in prison.
Another convicted predator named in the perversion files is Samuel Max Dubois. He allegedly abused a victim who was a 10 year old scout at the time of the molestation. In a report by the Bangor daily news, his narration was recorded in the perversion files. He reportedly said “I was crying, and I reached around and hit Max in the face, and said I was going to quit the troop”.
The scout expelled Max Dubois from their ranks. Yet they failed to report to the appropriate authorities. He was later convicted by a North Carolina court and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment. His file is available for download on the internet.
Our BSA Sexual Abuse Attorneys at Oshan and Associates can fight for you
The release of the perversion files eases a bit the burden of proof and could serve as cogent evidence in BSA sexual abuse cases. Victims are encouraged to tap into this open secret to get justice and compensation for injuries and emotional trauma caused to them. If you or your loved one has been a victim of BSA sexual abuse, our boys scout lawsuits attorneys are ready to help you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation or call us to discuss your case.
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