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BSA Victim Stories – Golden Spread Council, Inc. #562 of the Boy Scouts of America v. Akins

BSA Victim Stories – Golden Spread Council, Inc. #562 of the Boy Scouts of America v. Akins

This article reports the facts and outcome of one of the many lawsuits brought against the BSA. If you or your loved ones have been a victim of Boy Scouts sexual abuse, our attorneys can hold them accountable.

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BSA Lawsuit Attorneys - The Perversion Files

BSA Lawsuit Attorneys - The Perversion Files

This article provides information about the perversion files that have covered up sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts for almost a century. Our Attorneys are ready to fight for victims who want to proceed by filing cases against the BSA. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

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BSA Victim Stories - John Doe #1-8 v. Boy Scouts of America USA

BSA Victim Stories - John Doe #1-8 v. Boy Scouts of America USA

This article brings details of a game-changing lawsuit that was filed sometime in January. If you or your loved ones have been a victim of Boy Scouts sexual abuse, our attorneys can hold them accountable.

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BSA Victim Stories - John Doe v. Boy Scouts of America Corporation et al

BSA Victim Stories - John Doe v. Boy Scouts of America Corporation et al

The tide of litigation against the BSA is still high. The facts of one of the many lawsuits are summarized in this article. If you or your loved ones have been a victim of Boy Scouts sexual abuse, our attorneys can hold them accountable.

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BSA Victim Stories – Juarez

BSA Victim Stories – Juarez

Juarez is one of the thousands of boys who was abused during their time with the scouts. This article tells the rather unfortunate story of his lawsuit against the BSA and how it may have been decided differently in recent times. Our BSA sexual abuse attorneys are ready to provide you with competent representation till a positive outcome is reached on your case.

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BSA Victim Stories – Lourim’s Case

BSA Victim Stories – Lourim’s Case

The perversion files have gained media attention in recent times with over 12000 predators named. A story of one of the over 8000 victims, Daniel Lourim, is told in this article. If you or your loved one has been a victim of BSA sexual abuse, our BSA Lawsuit attorneys can fight for you.

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BSA Victim Stories—John Roe 1 v. Boys Scouts of America

BSA Victim Stories—John Roe 1 v. Boys Scouts of America

Years of complacency of the Boys scout of America have contributed to the prevalence of child molestation in the association. This article tells the story of John Roe, one victim. If you have been a victim, our Boys scout lawsuit attorneys at Oshan and associates are ready to fight for you.

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Boy Scouts Admits Letting Predators Return to Scouting

Boy Scouts Admits Letting Predators Return to Scouting

The Boys Scouts of America may be in more trouble than envisaged. The recent admission of letting predators return to their scouting ranks may amount to perjury and further indictment. The scouts’ sexual abuse survivor wins in all these. Our Boys Scout Lawsuit attorneys can leverage on this development to help you get justice.

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BSA Probed for Sexual Abuse Allegations

BSA Probed for Sexual Abuse Allegations

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is currently embattled with probes into numerous sexual abuse allegations, hundreds of which have morphed into sexual abuse lawsuits. This article explains your role as a BSA sexual abuse survivor and how you may protect or enforce your rights.

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